With Christmas coming up, one fairly often quoted verse is "...It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35). I don't know if I'm just getting old or what, but that seems to be more and more true! What if we could teach that to our children while they are young? What if they looked forward to Christmas because they could GIVE something awesome to someone in need? What if they really looked at presents as blessings they aren't entitled to? What if they saw the world through compassionate eyes? I think those are some things we can begin to instill in our children at a very young age.
Besides teaching them to say "Please" and "Thank you" (which is very important), there are opportunities all around us that will help grow an attitude of gratitude and compassion. I believe compassion is not just seeing a need and having pity. It is also putting it into action. With that in mind, I have come up with a list of places you and your family can give back this holiday season.
Salvation Army's Angel Tree
Nationwide the Salvation Army's Angel Tree program provides toys to 1 Million children through the generosity of local communities! Children's Christmas wishes are normally written on tags and displayed for people to pick up, but this year they encourage contributors to check out their Registry for Good for the toys needed for local children. Feel free to purchase off the registry or buy from another store and drop them off at the Salvation Army.
Also, look into volunteering to ring a bell for the Salvation Army. Smiles and friendliness are a must. Caroling while tending the kettle is even more awesome! That's what we did once when I was little.
Friends of Forgotten Children
You can help needy local families through Thanksgiving baskets and the Christmas Wish program at Friends of Forgotten Children! All gifts need to be turned in NOT wrapped by Monday December 6. You can help make Christmas special for a local child this year. Monetary donations can also be made through PayPal. To learn more about how you can help, email director@fofcnh.org.
Friends of Forgotten Children is in need of volunteers for a variety of tasks that may include hanging clothes, sorting donations, answering phones, taking out the trash, and more. This is a great opportunity for teens, college kids, groups, and more. If you have questions, call Friends of Forgotten Children at 603-753-4801 or email volunteers@fofcnh.org.
Concord Coalition to End Homelessness
With colder weather upon us, it is an incredibly difficult time to be homeless. The Concord Coalition to End Homelessness operates a Winter Shelter starting December 1 with 40 beds to help provide a warm shelter for the local homeless people. They are now accepting volunteers to help with various tasks inside or outside the shelter including sorting mail, serving refreshments, checking in guests, and assisting with fundraising events.
Donations are being accepted only by appointment as they have reached capacity. Please call (603) 290-3375 x202 OR email donations@concordhomeless.org to set up a time to drop off donations.
Panda’s Presents at Sensory Seekers
Sensory Seekers has a large decorated box to collect toys in memory of Xander "Panda" Diaz, a NH boy who loved sharing and giving toys. The toy drive will continue through the month of November in celebration of his birthday. Toys will be given to local foster children of all ages through Foster & Adoptive Resource Exchange (FARE). Click here to learn more about Panda's Presents and find their wishlist.
GoodLife is an organization that provides programs, trips, and wellness screenings for local senior citizens. At their location on North State Street in Concord, there is (normally) a "giving tree" with Christmas wishes from local senior citizens. People are encouraged to come take a tag with a wish, shop for that person's gift, then bring it back to their location. For more info, call (603) 228-6630.
Merrimack County Nursing Home
Nursing homes are normally great places to bring the little ones, because elderly people often get so much joy from seeing them! You may also want to sing Christmas carols from a distance, send cards, or call (603) 796-2165 for more ideas on how to cheer residents. The Merrimack County Nursing Home normally has tags with Christmas wishes from many of the residents, so be sure to ask about it.
They would love volunteers over age 13 for various volunteer opportunities. Tasks they need people for include operating the gift shop, visiting residents with your well-behaved dog, and transporting residents to various activities. Learn more by calling 603-796-2165 ext. 242.
Food Pantries
There are many food pantries you can donate to. If you are interested, they may be looking for volunteers to sort and inventory the food as this is a very busy time for most. I used to volunteer at the Loudon Food Pantry before having little ones. They have literally TONS of food that comes in to be sorted from the Gift of Lights donations at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway, so they are always looking for help around the holidays.
The Friendly Kitchen
The Friendly Kitchen is "the only soup kitchen in the Concord, New Hampshire area". They serve anyone who comes in need of a meal. Many organizations and businesses pitch together to make the Friendly Kitchen run along with individuals. Contact them to see what ways your family can assist in feeding the homeless and hungry. It looks like they are not accepting NEW volunteers at this time, but they are accepting donations.
Pope Memorial SPCA
Animals also need our help. The Pope Memorial SPCA operates to rescue abandoned and stray animals. They have a wish list of items that are needed to help care for the animals including food and paper towels.
It looks like volunteer opportunities have opened back up for people ages 12 and up! Depending on the volunteer's age, there are opportunities to provide pet therapy to people in the hospital, provide foster care for pets, maintain the grounds of the SPCA, and more. Orientation and an amount of commitment are required.
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